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Best of Show

According to my 3rd take on the Prize Distribution, the values for the
different prize packages fall like this:

Garden L   [28]   1 300.00  2 202.00  3 133.00  -  $ 635.00
Garden M   [26]   1 300.00  2 202.00  3 133.00  -  $ 635.00
Garden S   [ 8]   1 138.00  2 108.00  3  40.00  -  $ 286.00
Paludarium [ 7]   1 138.00  2 106.00  3  40.00  -  $ 284.00
Artificial [ 5]   1 135.00  2 100.00  3  40.00  -  $ 275.00
Natural    [ 4]   1 130.00  2 105.00  3  40.00  -  $ 275.00

The single most valuable item we received as a donation (the 72 gallon Bow
Front All Glass Aquarium and Stand - $500.00) is potentially going to cause
problems should the Judges select an entry from a non U.S. resident. There
is absolutely nothing that we can do to avoid this as All Glass can/will
only deliver it within the continental United States.

However, I certainly don't intend (or expect) that the Best of Show is
automatically going to be from the U.S. for this reson (as a Canadian, that
sort of "rule" would gall me, even though I'm not an entrant). The Best of
Show Award is going to go to the best aquascape - regardless of where the
person happens to be from.

I assume (expect) that the Judges will select one of the 1st Place winners
as Best of Show. Do we award that individual the Best of Show prize
($500.00) in ADDITION TO the Category/Ranking prize or do we award it
INSTEAD of the Category/Ranking prize?

If the ultimate winner is from the U.S., the question isn't as vital as it
will be if the winner is from outside of the U.S. With a non-US resident
winner, there is no way we can come up with any sort of package of
comparable VALUE without decimating all or most of the other prize packages.

For example, if the Best of Show is awarded IN ADDITION TO the
Category/Ranking package, we are going to end up with ONE of the following

1 Garden L   [28]   1 300.00 + 500 = 800.00
2 Garden M   [26]   1 300.00 + 500 = 800.00
3 Garden S   [ 8]   1 138.00 + 500 = 638.00
4 Paludarium [ 7]   1 138.00 + 500 = 638.00
5 Artificial [ 5]   1 135.00 + 500 = 635.00
6 Natural    [ 4]   1 130.00 + 500 = 635.00

If the Best of Show Prize is awarded instead of the regular prize for that
category we could have a number of possibilities.

For example, if it goes to the Garden Large winner:

Garden L   [28]   1 500.00       = 500.00 Best of Show
Garden M   [26]   1 300.00       = 300.00
Garden S   [ 8]   1 138.00       = 138.00
Paludarium [ 7]   1 138.00       = 138.00
Artificial [ 5]   1 135.00       = 135.00
Natural    [ 4]   1 130.00       = 130.00

In this case, the $300.00 value of the category/ranking prize for that
particular category could be distributed among the other winners.

Similarly, if (again, only for example) the Best of Show ends up being the
Paludarium entry:

Garden L   [28]   1 300.00       = 300.00
Garden M   [26]   1 300.00       = 300.00
Garden S   [ 8]   1 138.00       = 138.00
Paludarium [ 7]   1 500.00       = 500.00 Best of Show
Artificial [ 5]   1 135.00       = 135.00
Natural    [ 4]   1 130.00       = 130.00

Here the $138.00 value of that category/ranking prize could be distributed
to other awards.

Or we could increase the number/value of the Honorable Mention Awards by
either $300.00 or $138.00, as the case may be.

How we approach this is important, and worth some thought in advance of the
Judge's decisions.

James Purchase

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