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Re: AGA CONTEST - Digest V1 #398

James wrote:

> Errrr.......run that by me again........???
> I can understand that if Dave is going to be at the convention, he can get
> check to cover his up front expenses for the shipping, but how is the
> deal" applicable to the ribbons? I'm not going to be at the convention and
> the ribbons have to be ordered NOW if we want them in hand by November
> I don't mind putting them on my Mastercard and getting the money for them
> later, but I need some input on the ribbon selection I put forward.

I think the confusion is from the names.  David LASS, the AGA treasurer will
be at the convention.  He is in France at this very moment, so we can't get
in touch with him.  But he'll be home soon.  James, what I would suggest is
that you put the ribbons on your VISA to expedite things, and as soon as
David is back, we can have David send you a check.  You should be able to
get the check and be ready to apply it to your VISA bill as soon as the bill
comes in.


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