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Re: Ribbons


Please refer to my message from the other day
(http://lists.thekrib.com/aga-contest/Current/msg00061.html). Could you
please look at the rosettes I suggested and give me your opinion as to their
suitability for our needs? The URL I gave is incorrect, it should be

Erik has sent me the AGA logo in a high resolution TIFF file, and according
to the info on the web site, this can be placed into the center of each
rosette. I'm thinking that I should get each rosette with 12" streamers. All
of their rosettes are available with either a string, hook or pin backing -
I assume that I should order the "string", so that it can be hung (or
mounted) if desired.

Please pick a color, any color - for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place........


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