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Re: Ribbons

"Curious, having just gone to the hodgesbadge site to take a look, I had
never heard of using three different types of ribbons for the same
contest.  Color me dense here.  They are vastly different styles... Why
not just use the same style in three different colors? "

Daub, daub, daub...... (coloring you dense....... <g>)

I don't know _anything_ about ribbons for contests, and still think that
they will end up stuck in a drawer somewhere.....

I thought that by ordering three distinct styles we could differentiate the
win, place and show winners a little more, especially since during our
discussions on ribbon color of last year it was clear that there is no
internationally agreed upon color scheme (the U.S. goes one way, the rest of
the world goes another....).

I don't mind using one style - if I have to choose, I'll go with  "The
Beauty E2230 - 4-1/2" petaled rosette; 12" top to bottom; 2" x 9"
streamers. (with 12" streamers $2.50each)". Its a nice looking ribbon and
the AGA logo graphic that you sent me should reproduce beautifully on the
central button. Blue (1st), Red (2nd) and White (3rd) sound good.

We have already discussed (and decided, as far as I can tell) that Honorable
Mentions will get a Prize but no rosette/ribbon.

Best of Show and People's Choice will get a plaque with the AGA logo on it.
(Cherry wood with gold metal plate)


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