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RE: Article for local aquarium society newsletter

Tony asked:
"I recently joined my local aquarium society - Bucks County Aquarium
Society - and am planning on writing some articles for the monthly
newletter. I would like to know if we have any 'guidelines' for writing
about the contest? I would like to get it in to the next month's newsletter
to give possible entrants the maximum amount of time."

"In additon, is there a list of dates established yet?  E.g. contest entry
dates, etc.
I will be happy to submit the article to this list before sending it on to
the newsletter."

This is an excellent idea Tony, and one I hope to see more of - there are
many local clubs with newsletters and every one of them is a potential
source of entrants to the Contest as well as likely being interested in the
Convention (and the AGA as an organization). This is one area I'd like to
see us increase our efforts this year - get the attention and interest of
local hobby groups to a greater degree than we have been able to thus far.

I would prefer however, to author or at least review ANYTHING which is going
to be submitted to any club newsletter for publication myself. This year I
am hoping to pull the public relations aspect of both the Convention and
Contest into closer harmony and present a unified picture of what we are
trying to do for the hobby.

I have a pretty good idea of the dates involved - I just have to finish
putting together my plans for the unified approach - as you know, I only
came back onboard last week and it is going to take some time to find out
exactly what is needed.

Could you tell me the target length for the article you were planning? (i.e.
how much space is the Editor willing to give you?) Are they capable or
interested in having a photograph to go along with it? Color or Black &
White? (not a picture of me ;-), but the AGA does have the right to use any
submitted photos for publication of the event, and this would be perfect

Please let me know as well an approximate deadline and I'll see what I can
come up with for you.

James Purchase

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