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RE: fish clubs/flyers

Hi Tom,

Welcome aboard ;-)

Talk to David regarding club contacts, I think he has a handle on it but
could always use more help/input/ideas. I think at this point in time, most
of our contacts are for groups in the U.S., I'd love to see it expanded to
other areas - the U.K. most notably. From what I see in the magazines,
"ponds" are quite popular there and perhaps we can get some of those folks
interested in the contest and the AGA.




You wrote:
"James and I have a good initial contact email prepared that gives some
general information and a link to the AGA site.  I will send out another
round of emails once we have the PDF material ready.

I believe we also may be considering sending out a limited number of
hard-copy flyers, but that's something Erik is working on.  No details
as of yet.  Again, knowing which clubs to target would really help."

Who is doing the PDF material???? I have the software, want me to have a go?
Erik, do we have any images from the first AGA Contest, the one which Olga
Betts won? I think one of the honorable mentions was a photo of a waterlily.


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