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Contest PDF

I've just sent Erik the completed (I hope) Contest Brochure for posting to
the test web site. I ask that EACH of you review it, print it out locally if
possible and PROOF READ it carefully. As I've said before, its almost
impossible for me to do this because as the author I would tend to miss any
mistakes. I don't want someone to point out errors to us 3 months from now.

Please notice how I have encorporated the 2 new divisions. I don't go into
great detail in the brochure but indicate that in the both will be judged
separately from the aquascaping division and the garden pond division will
follow the same criteria, with the botanical art being judged based on how
well the artist captures the subject. Both of the new categories MAY be
subdivided, but that depends on the entries we receive. I shall obviously
have to do some adjustments to the material on the web site, but its late,
and I'm going to bed.



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