Dear Erik, > Rest assured, there will be a tape MADE of the event, just as there was > last year. There is already a willing videographer, editor and even > distributor. It's just a matter of whether or not management can finally > agree on *allowing* it to be distributed (and working out a deal with the > speakers -- oftentimes it is the speakers who do not want their lecture > redistributed). Karen has outlined the reasons for why this was done last > year. It is my hope that at some point the convention lectures will be > available for anyone with interest. I certainly would love it if videos were available, as it won't be possible for me to make it in person, this year or for the next 3, due to a heavy study and travel schedule already. Another alternative might be to have it as a printed paper/printout of a Powerpoint presentation, if the video version is too expensive/hard to do. Finding out what Amano has to say will certainly be worth while, whatever the format, and I would also have loved to hear Tom Barr. Maybe one day, in person! Kind regards, Susi Barber Vancouver ------------------ To unsubscribe from this list, please send mail to with "Unsubscribe aga-member" in the body of the message. Archives of this list can be found at