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[AGA Member] Mikephil in ire...

Try a search on laterite or Flourite.  Its very interesting.  
I lived in Glasgow for a decade  but moved back to Tex 4 yrs ago.  
Try M R DogFish in Glasgow.  They were a dedicated fish store with a strong customer base and well trained staff.  Their address and phone numbers were in the Fish Magazines sold in the UK.  Sorry, I couldn't find their phone #.   Holland should have some stores that may help.  
In the mean time try some filter gravel or perhaps certain sand blasting gravel 1 to 3 mm in diameter.   Silica only.  It very good value.  I did purchase this gravel in Glasgow but can;t remember where.  Try the yellow pages.  
Also, have a look at Bigalsonline.com.  Shipping will be expensive.  
good luck.

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