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Re: Shell Dwellers?

Ok. Sorry about the straying everyone, and thanks for the link Helen. I've
just gotten back into africans (not that i've left my apistos behind!) and
got a little over-excited.

But on an apisto thread (and an old one, from what i remember) I have found
what appear to be very suitable dithers for my caucatoides - Iratherina
werneri. I haven't had a spawn from my apistos yet but so far so good - the
thread-fins just flit around looking beautiful and bothering no-one. So
fingers crossed.

Also, can anyone give me any information on A. elizabethae? As in how hard
to keep, where to get them, what should i expect to pay? I can't afford any
new intros right now, but i'm making a wish list.

thanks and apologies


-----Original Message-----
From: Frauley/Elson <fraulels@minet.ca>
To: apisto@majordomo.pobox.com <apisto@majordomo.pobox.com>
Date: Tuesday, January 11, 2000 5:32 PM
Subject: Re: Shell Dwellers?

>I have to back Helen on the wet blanket approach. It's not that the list
>wishes to be narrow, but there's a lot of general info on East African
>Lake cichlids, and it can be very hard to get info on South American or
>West African dwarf species. It goes with how hard it is to get these
>fish in a lot of places.
>I imagine it must be frustrating for a lot of hobbyists on the list to
>see it isn't about dwarf cichlids from everywhere. It's been an
>eye-opener to see new names jumping into this thread. At the same time
>though, this list exists to discuss one group of cichlids. It's not a
>snob thing because they're rare, it's a result of there being few places
>where one can discuss and learn about these creatures. I think the  list
>has to remain specialized and get away from 'off topic' fish.
>I Promise I won't ask about the Russian guy's Discus any more if
>everyone else takes the Tanganyika thread to a Tanganyika list... :-)

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