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Brichardi and Nijsseni


Hey that is why we are here is to get different opinions.

I have had pairs of nijsenni in 20 longs, beat the heck out of each other
and have to remove the male immediately after spawning, to my current pair
who have now successfully raised two spawns in the same tank, with the
male left in.  I have found different pairs/groups of the same fish vastly
different in personality.  So it is good to get different opinions.

Glad to hear you can raise them in smaller tanks, ours was a colony of 6
or so.  It does open up more possibilities....but I am not giving up any
apisto tanks now to raise other fish....except maybe some N. boulengeri...


On Sat, 22 Jan 2000 Fkdyorbich@aol.com wrote:

> I partially disagree with the brichardi comment, once the pair bonds, I've 
> very rarely seen too much aggression between the parents.  I usually use a 
> 20L, however, a ten gallon would be sufficient.  The only problem that I can 
> foresee is that they will not spawn as often as they would in a bigger tank, 
> once the fry begins to take up space.  The remedy, of course, is to simply 
> remove the fry... very easy.  So, I would offer my $0.02.
> Chris
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