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Re: A. sp. Wangenflecken??

You can take my pike IDs to the bank but NOT my Apisto IDs.   Actually, you
did help me with the ID of this fish back in May 99.   This is what you had
to say:

"Your photo of A. cf. resticulosa is very unusual. It looks like a male of
the resticulosa-complex, but it appears to have extensions on the top and
bottom of the caudal fin! I know of no regani-group species with such a
tail! The head looks very much like that of A. sp. Blaukopf (Blue-head)
found in the Mayland & Bork book. They list it as a domestic form of A.
caetei. Both your fish and A. sp. Blaukopf look  very much like the same
fish listed in a Japanese book (Aquarium 2300 Atlas) as A. sp. New Blue. The
author claims it is a cross between A. caetei & A. resticulosa. I think this
is what you have."

In August 99, Ingo Koslowski wanted some pictures and we started talking
Apistos and this is what he had to say:
...and your cf.resticulosa seems to be the fish called Wangenflecken-Ap. in
the german hobby (several times misidentified as A.resticulosa). It comes
from the Ilha de Marajo at the mouth of the

Mike, I will add your comments to the web page tonight.


(http://www.geocities.com/NapaValley/5491/resticulosa.html) that he

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