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Re: Water parameters for dwarfs?


I agree with Ken, anything under 10 gallons is too
small for territorial fish
like cichlids - even the smallest dwarf cichlids.
My suggestion would be 4
Corydoras pygmaeus +  6 Dwarf Pencilfish
(Nannostomus marginatus). I have a
wonderful tank with similar problems (3 gallon
hexagon with 6" (15 cm) faces and
18" (45 cm) tall).  I keep either of the diptailed
pencilfish (N. eques or N.
unifasciatus) in it. They are about the only fish
that happily exist in such a
small but tall tank.

Mike Wise

William Groth wrote:

> I have tried on occasion to do some dwarf cichlids with mixed success.  What
> I would like to ask is
> if anyone has a feel for the right fish for the following tank.  3 gallon
> Eclipse planted tank with soft
> RO water mix which has temperature span of 80 to 86 degrees F (26 to 30
> degrees C).  I thought
> to try certain killifish, dwarf cichlids, or tetras, or catfish but the
> temperatures are pretty high.  I
> fear that most dwarf cichlids, especially Apistos might not be an option
> because most of the ones I have kept previously like or require cooler water
> temperatures?
> Also, I have not been able to get on to http://www.aquaria.net/ today and
> was wondering if there is
> something wrong with their website?  If anyone would be so kind as to e-mail
> me privately if they
> have any insights on this problem, it would be appreciated.
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