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Krib breeding question - adding another male?

I have a pair of pelvicachromis pulcher alone in a 10 gallon tank - heavily
planed with two caves.  They've been excavating one of the caves and spend
quite a bit of time the the hole in the gravel they've created below it.  A
week ago, the female was bending the center of her body toward the male and
wiggling frequently and her belly was quite red.  However - no spawning yet.

Someone told me yesterday that adding another male to the mix might
encourage the male she's paired with to mate with her.  Any thoughts on
whether or not this is a good idea?

I've also been doing frequent water changes and keeping the temp warm - 78
degrees.  I've also been altering their diet - frozen brine shrimp, blood
worms, tubifex worms, etc.

Anything else I should be doing to encourage spawning?

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