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ocean aquarium

Jason's is great.  I try to go there when I am in town.  I know some of
the apisto breeders use to only bring in their fry exclusively to him.

There was another store I found....15 or so minutes away that sold a lot
of P. taeniatus for really cheap.....orange sign, ?Nippon Goldish, I
think.  But Jason's tanks were great.

On someone else's note, heavily planted tanks are definitely the way to
raise multiple spawns.  Wish I could have seen Brian W. tanks.  I have
heard for years now.  


On Sun, 13 Feb 2000, Scott Olson wrote:

> Ah, Ocean Aquarium!  I just returned from a short (one day) business trip to 
> SF, and Ocean Aquarium was recommended by Steve Waldron - thanks again, 
> Steve!
> It is so refreshing to go into a fish store that actually specializes in 
> dwarf cichlids!  When I was there, Justin had the following apistos (that I 
> can remember):
> A. pulcher
> A. Nijsenni
> A. Agassizii
> A. Borellii emerald form
> A. cacatuoides double red - the nicest male cacatuoides I've ever seen!
> A. viejita II
> A. sp. four-stripes
> A. gibbiceps
> a species (I can't remember the handle from the Aqualog) - in the 'rotpunkt' 
> group or complex, in which the males guard the fry with as much dedication 
> as the females, and become even more brightly colored when doing so.  I 
> didn't know yellow could be so yellow, or black so very black!  I'm still 
> kicking myself for not bringing this one home!  And this after having kept 
> 'Puerto Narinos' for so long and breeding them so much, I don't care if I 
> never see another one!
> There were other DC's available as well, and probably a few apistos I've 
> forgotten.  Justin actually apologized to me for not having a better 
> selection!  He said usually he has more things to offer!
> I got away with a nice trio of agassiziis and a pair of four-stripes.  These 
> last are very iniridae-like.  Two things that all these pertensis-group fish 
> have in common is a general lack of bright coloration, aside from a little 
> blue spangling, and fabulous dorsal and ventral fins.  I've learned that you 
> can't really judge apistos until you get them home and can really see them 
> 'strut their stuff'!
> Many of those fish that Justin had were breeding in his well-planted tanks.  
> In the Viejita tank, for instance, there were fry from newly free-swimming 
> to about 1" in length.
> Seeing Justin's tanks, the way they were set up with so many beautiful 
> plants and several ages of apistos swimming about, made me think back on 
> Brian Wolinski's apisto tanks of a decade ago.  Sorry if I keep bringing the 
> 'great one' up, but, to me, Brian was THE apisto-keeper!  And it sounds, 
> Dan, like your Agassizii tank is a lot along the lines of the 'Wolinski 
> method'.  Brian would have several broods of young going in a single tank, 
> along with the parents, at any given time.  There was so much cover in the 
> form of dense plants, rocks and driftwood, that there was never any 
> noticeable aggression problem.
> There are a couple of problems in your case, though.  A 10-gallon tank just 
> won't support all that many fish, especially as the fry grow out.  On the 
> other hand, how do you successfully remove an earlier brood with all the 
> plant cover for the little fish to scoot into?  Your parent fish will very 
> possibly 'murder' a few of the earlier batch, but they may not get very many 
> of them.
> I guess if it was me, I'd leave things as-is until the current batch is 
> three-to-four weeks old, then remove parents and the dithers to another tank 
> and let the young ones grow out for a while in the 10, although you'll want 
> to change a lot of water in the mean-time!  If you have 50 or 60 fry in 
> there, they'll eventually need more spacious quarters!
> Scott
> >On another topic: My aggies have bred again. They are in a very densely
> >planted 10 gallon tank with some Corydoras hastatus and a couple of
> >serpae tetras as dithers. I know these guys are considered less than
> >ideal as dithers, but these two seem to work out great. They  have
> >perfect dispostions, stay away from the side of the tank where the
> >female and fry hang out, and I have had them forever. Anyway, in the
> >tank are the month or so old youngins of an earlier brood of the aggies.
> >They are able to hide out in the dense growth. Today I was watching
> >them, and the female came out with a cloud of 30 or so new fry. Is there
> >any way I can leave the new fry in there, or must I remove them to
> >another tank. I can remove the gravel from a 5 gallon and devote it to
> >the fry I suppose. The female tries to chase her earlier brood, but
> >those kids are really quick.
> >
> >-Dan
> >
> >
> >
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