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Re: seeking Kyle/shameless recruting for ASG

gkadar wrote:
> Gary Elson wrote:
> >Gabriella is right about Big John - but I could maybe help too. I've
> >lost Kyle's message, so Kyle, if you could contact me offlist at
> >fraulels@minet.ca, I may be able to help out. I don't sell fish, but I'm
> >the ASG area rep. When this is done in the AKA (killifish) as part of
> >their mentoring program, reps sometimes offer a free pair of killies to
> >any local person who joins, so I'll offer the same in apistogramma terms
> >for regional ASG newcomers who want to pick the fish up (no shipping).
> >-Gary Elson
> > Verdun, Qc (Montreal area - but passing through Ottawa on Saturday)
> Now wait just a moment here.  I didn't know we had ASG regional reps.
> That's number one.  Number two, I never got any 'welcome to the club'
> apistos.  Hmmmm.....  I've been neglected.  sniff...
A free pair of apistos if you pass through Montreal... the reps idea is
to answer questions from new members - it's like a regional resource
person. I volunteered for eastern Canada, and Quebec, and decided to
launch the offer to try to jump start things. I'm sure the other
volunteers will want to lynch me - it's a personal initiative. In the
US, there are easy ways to distribute, and members will do things
differently, but in Canada, it's well-nigh impossible to ship
efficiently and cheaply.
I don't know, if I have extras, I can't ship them, so I'd rather give
them away than keep them til they crash. If I breed an expensive rarity,
it stays out of that loop, but I have some nice grey uglies I happen to
think highly of.

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