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Re: Mike Wise writing a book?

I will have a pretty good slide scanner (that I am using for Planted
Aquaria Magazine) before you have the slides.  ;^)>

At 12:18 PM 2/25/2000 -0600, you wrote:
>>>I plan on having an ASG slide program that is based on this format. I
call it The Art of Apisto ID. It will be mainly for apistophiles, but with
lots of species (but not all) pictured for the layman as well.<<
>Then all we'd have to do is have the slides scanned and converted into an
electronic format.  Anyone have access to slide scanner>
>Bill Vannerson
>McHenry, IL
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Dave Gomberg, San Francisco            mailto:gomberg@wcf.com
Planted Aquaria Magazine SPECIAL:        http://www.wcf.com/pam


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