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Re: Mike Wise writing a book?

Mike Jacobs wrote:

> 2)  On a more serious note........for me at least.  I am for sure interested
> in cichlids angels and discus in particular, but quite frankly the major
> reason I went to the ACA last year...my first...was to participate in the
> ASG on Friday evening........I was VERY dissapointed.  There was really no
> dwarf cichlid talk, get together, group that I could find
> anyway...................heh, heh.....maybe yu guys were hiding from
> me...........could we get together at least to put faces on
> names?....................some of us aren't as forward as others.....it was
> extremely dissapointing to spend the entire weekend at a cichlid convention
> and have no ASG meet.

Well Mike,

That being your first ACA Convention you should not judge us all so harshly, in
the past the Apistogramma Study Group has had excellent programs and
discussions.  Last year was, well, an exception to the rule.  THe ASG has been
suffering from communication problems.  Mainly too many indians and not enough
worker bees, is that how that goes?

Anyway, lets all meet at the hotel bar at a set time, seems we all did that at
the chicago convention, didn't we?


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