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Re: A. sp. "Smaragd" yes?


I totally agree with David on this. Based on your written description it is
impossible to even determine to which species-complex in the regani-group your
fish belongs. Colors, other than the dark markings, are generally not useful
for identifying apistos. Regani-complex species will show a lateral band
(sometimes broken) separated from the caudal spot by light interstitial area.
The caudal spot is usually tall and narrow, almost band-like. A. geisleri
(Emerald/Smaragd) shows this feature very clearly, along with prominent
abdominal stripes. If your fish shows a more oval caudal spot, then it most
likely is not Emerald & your guess that it is Steel Blue/Blue-head/New Blue is
a good possibility. One thing in your favor for them being Emerald is that this
form comes from the area around Alenquer, Brazil, like the agassizii are
supposed to be.

Regarding your question about this fish crossing with
Orange-tail/Orangeschwanz, all I can say is that apistos in the same
species-group are more likely to cross than with forms from different
species-groups. The Steel Blue is a probable example of this. We still can't
say for certain that is is a resticulosa-complex X caetei-complex cross yet.
The original fish (called New Blue in Japan) might be highly color-bred
products of a single species, but we can be fairly certain that the European-
produced fish are crosses of at least 2 caetei forms. As long as you have a
male Orange-tail with your unknown fish I doubt that there will be any
crossing. The females Orange-tails will naturally breed with their own males.
But if the only male in your tank is your new fish, then all bets are off.
Then, 'any port in a storm' might apply.

Mike Wise

Samala wrote:

> Ran into a tank of Apistos at a local shop today.
> Nearly fell over dead.  I've never seen Apistos in the
> shops of my area before this.  The shop owner let me
> take a male of the bunch to try to ID.
> I believe I have A. sp. "Smaragd", also ref'd as A.
> sp. "Emerald" and is a color form of A. geisleri.  But
> I'm not sure as the A. geisleri pictures I've seen
> don't have all the dark markings that this fish shows
> and the "Smaragd" pics I've seen can't confirm or deny
> that this fish is also a Smaragd.   There is also the
> question of the fish being the infamous A. sp. "Steel
> Blue" that was sold as Borelli over the US in the past
> two years.  (Did we ever confirm that they were
> hybrids?)
> The fish I have has the hallmarks of the regani
> complex: small size (1 1/4"), somewhat broken dark
> lateral band with caudal peduncle spot (which is
> small).  Suborbital band with a little white/light
> blue coloration on the head (not spangling).  Some
> yellow markings on the cheeks and a dark red or
> perhaps purple on the lowest edge of the jaw.  Fins
> are clear with some opaque markings.  Dorsal blotches
> also occur in broken patches on the body.   I'm
> betting on Smaragd here as the body has a vibrant
> bright green metallic cast to it with good light.
> Shop says they are WC, and they came in with some wild
> aggies marked Alenquer.  Course, that could be
> incorrect.
> Erik Olson's pic of A. sp. Smaragd on his site is a
> near perfect match.  The sole difference is that the
> black edging of the ventrals in MY fish is
> incomplete.. stretching roughly halfway.  (Could be an
> individual variation.)
> http://www.thekrib.com/Apisto/A-sp-smaragd.jpg
> My questions:
> a) is it safe to call this fish Smaragd or at least A.
> geisleri?  Or, is there a definitive way to confirm
> these are NOT A. sp. SteelBlue?  I'm concerned about
> having hybrids.
> b) will Smaragd interbreed with A. cf. eunotus
> "Orangeschwanz"?  (He can either live in a 10gal. with
> some cardinal tetras or a 30gal. with a pair of those
> eunotus.)
> c) does anyone have female A. sp. Smaragd?  The shop
> said there were some "dull fish" in the bag with the
> "pretty green fish" but all died.  I'm not
> specifically looking to breed him but I've had
> "lonely" cichlids before and they develop all sorts of
> quirks.  (Like attempting to mate with small
> angelfish.)
> >Sarah
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