When I called Anchor Bay, I learned that they had only a few A. regani left, and what was left was already allocated to other buyers. They had a few other species in stock, the most interesting of which to me was A. meinckeni (sp?), but I'm not ready to stock up on those quite yet. Regani was a severe temptation, but there are so many Apistos and so little time... David Soares is going to Germany at the end of this month and will return in early April with some interesting fish, including some dwarf pike cichlids (Crenicichla regani, in particular). I've been anxiously seeking Laetacara sp. orangeflossen, and he's located a pair for me. He'll probably also turn up one or more Apisto species to make our books obsolete once again. Last month was a banner breeding month for my fish. Parents are now raising small clutches of A. sp. pandurini and A. bitaeniata (and one *enormous* clutch of Laetacara sp. buckelkopf) and I'm hand raising close to 100 A. steindachneri fry, produced by a beautiful but untrustworty pair. I also have slightly older batches of A. nijsseni, Anomalochromis thomasi, Laetacara sp. buckelkopf and Pelvicachromis affin pulcher. --------------------------------------------------------- When you fish upon a star / You might catch an astral gar Pete Johnson / San Jose, CA / petej@wordsanddeeds.com --------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Reminder: Kindly quote parsimoniously when replying ------------- This is the apistogramma mailing list, apisto@aquaria.net. To subscribe or unsubscribe or get help , send the word "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" or "help" in the body (not subject) to apisto-request@aquaria.net