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Apisto Cacatuoides fry

I purchased a trio(1m,2f) of apisto cacatuoides on Apirl 26th, 4 fdays
later I had eggs. Those eggs made it too the 3rd day of wiggling with the
yolk before they dissappeared while I was at work. A few days later the
other female poppe and right now I have about a half dozen apisto fry
swimming with here. The three of them are the only ones in the tank,
with lots of cover, and obviously the water is good.My question  is, since
the parents are all about an inch or less, the male is more then an inch,
will the clutchs get bigger as they grow?? I don't think more then 20 eggs
where hatched on boith occasions. Thanks!!
Oh yeah, this is my first attempt at breeding anything, as I have oinly
been in the hobby for 6 months


|     Michael W. McGrath    |
|    mcgrath@citilink.com   |
| www.citilink.com/~mcgrath |