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Re: Borellii

Len/Geo wrote:

> Hi
> Last week purchased one male and two female borelli, around 1 inch long.
> Have them in a well planted 10 gallon tank. Problem is the male chases
> the females. He doesn`t hurt them, but they hide most of the time. Also
> have two Killies in the same tank and he doesn`t bother them
> If I took out the male for a couple of weeks would that solve the
> problem, or is there a better way to solved this problem.
> Thank You
> George
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Hi George I had the same problem with my trio of Apisto Borellii this situation
stopped when one of the female was ready to spawn and when she took a well signed
She became very aggressive she was fighting the male all the time keeping him
outside her territory until she was ready to lay eggs. Maybe you can try to take
some other dithers to keep the attenction of the male away from the two females
or just  wait until things settle down.
Provide caves, good water, good food.

Simone Vicini (psvicini@mdnet.it)