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Re: Borellii

Len/Geo wrote:
> Hi
> Last week purchased one male and two female borelli, around 1 inch long.
> Have them in a well planted 10 gallon tank. Problem is the male chases
> the females. He doesn`t hurt them, but they hide most of the time. Also
> have two Killies in the same tank and he doesn`t bother them
> If I took out the male for a couple of weeks would that solve the
> problem, or is there a better way to solve this problem.

	I'd leave them, as the other posting suggested. Diet can be a key at
this stage, you want to feed them well without overfeeding. Things will
probably settle down as the females get into shape. Make sure they have
enough cover, so the females can hide from the male if they wish to. I
also agree with the other posting about dithers. Killies don't make the
best dithers as they are usually slow-moving. I often keep,them with
apistos, but only in larger groups of sub-adults. You probably want some
peaceful, small tetras. In my experience, borellii will chase, but I've
never seen them do any real damage as njisseni/cacatuoides types will.
- -Gary