Hi Bob If the fishes are spawning every 8 or 9 days after the previous spawn. Are you using a RO. unit? I want to start breeding Apisto & Pelvicachromis seriously. Is a R.O. unit the way to go? Thanks again George > The parents will usually spawn about 8 or 9 days after the previous > spawn is > free swimming, but this depends on a number of factors relating to > age, diet, > a broad spectrum of water conditions, and the individual fish > themselves. I > would wait no more than six days, and it is easier to move the > parents, > although if the tank is on an upper shelf, the fry can be siphoned to > a lower > tank with reasonable ease.[there's a long sentence for you!!] I > suspect that > siphoning the fry is the prefered method by most of the folks on this > list, > but that is based purely on conjecture, and not any formal survey. > Perhaps > we could get an informal poll going from anyone who cares to answer. > Perhaps > somene has had trouble with one method or the other that we may find > useful. > I was having trouble with belly-sliders the first couple times I > siphoned > the fry, but I seem to have solved that by filling at least 60% of the > > receiving tank with water from the original spawning tank. > > Bob > > --- > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > Search http://altavista.digital.com for "Apistogramma Mailing List > Archives"!