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Re: Bad mom!

In a message dated 97-11-23 17:22:07 EST, George wrote:

> Hi Bob
> If the fishes are spawning every 8 or 9 days after the previous spawn.
> Are you using a RO. unit?
> I want to start breeding Apisto & Pelvicachromis seriously. Is a R.O.
> unit the way to go?
> Thanks again
> George
It should be 8 or 9 days after the previous spawn is Free Swimming.  And soft
water is definitely important for maximum health for South American and West
African cichlids.  But there are other options besides RO.  There is peat
filtering, and a product called "Tank Soft" for small quantities of water,
like three or four tanks.  Also, De-ionization, which is competitive
volume-wize with RO, and doesn't waste discharge water like RO.  But there
are a number of appraches to De-ionization.  Some DI units leave the water
high in sodium.  I've recently heard about one that replaces the hardwater
ions with H+ and OH- ions.  This would be a really great approach, and would
give the equivalent of rain water.  Peat has the advantage of acidifying with
natural humic compounds, but it is inconvenient to do serious quantities with
peat moss.
