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Re: tetras (as tankmates)

Steven Hutchins wrote:
> Hey,
>         I know this is not directly apisto related, sorry.
>         If anyone has any info on where I could obtain (preferably mail-order)
> small African tetras (Neolabias sp.) or African barbs (ie Barbus jae) I
> would appreciate it.  I am setting up a tank for some kind of
> Pelvicichromis or Nanachromis, but I don't want to put a bunch of huge
> Congo tetras in with them.  Thanks
>                                 STeve

Too bad you didn't send this out a day earlier.  My importer just sealed
the box and my shipment is coming tomorrow morning.  He had several
Nigerian tetras, 3 Pelvicachromis species, and several other dwarfs--all
wild-caught.  In any case I hope to spawn the few African tetras I have,
and then I'd have plenty for trade.  I do have a friend who has the rare
African Barbus barilioides to sell (Baensch II, p 364, check out the

I think the tetras you mentioned would not be the best choices with the
dwarf cichlids.  My experience with them is that they are shy
(particularly B. jae). The Congo's may get large, but they are docile. 
Pelvicachromis, and particularly Nanachromis, will have no problem
keeping Congo's under control.  Of course, there are other suitable
African tetras, but anything African (except cichlids) is hard to come

I have a couple of Neolebias species and I had the delicate Barbus jae,
but I lost the latter.  My r/o unit was failing and I they started
dropping as the water approached neutral and went slightly alkaline. 
(Congo water is usually below 6, so I read.)

E'mail me if you want to talk tetras.  We ought to take it off line from
the Apisto list.

- --Randy

P.S.  We did talk at the ACA, right?