Hi All I don't post much and I hope I don't get ganged like poor ole Thomas did, as I consider myself to be on the list primarily to learn from all of you experts out there in cyberland. Anyway, my LFS got in 2 species "they claim" of Apistos. They are labeled as Macmasteri and Agassizi. However they don't at all look like that to me or to the store mgr. Thay have a shape similar to Agassizi but the dorsal is much higher at the leading edge "first rays??" and they have small blue dots all over their heads and "shoulders" all the way to back to the first few rays of the dorsal fin. The tails, at present are rounded, however the fish are barely 3/4-1 inch long. They are slender bodied but not as slender as T. Candidi. To me it looks like A. Bitaeniata. any other suggestions?? I went thru my copy of Aqualog and that is the closest fish I could find on page 20 top left fish, almost but not quite. I do appreciate any help as the price isn't too bad, 7.99$, and they look like they will color up nicely. Hopefully. one other topic for your consideration. If Thomas' posts, or lack thereof, are bothering you then "turn him off". I personally refuse to let myself, in this modern age of wonderful technology, be bothered but any wienies or butt-heads. But that is just my opinion. It is sorta like people who cry and complain about the elected officials in our country but don't vote. Just my thoughts Later and Thanks Guys\Girls\Women\People\Whoever Gareth "If you build it. They will come. But who is to say you will want them then." later and my apologies for being such a windbag. :}