Julio, I've been thinking about how to properly encourage and and reward such an effort for the local club. Here are my current thoughts: With every publication, post each species maintenance registration. This information would be the maintainer's name, the genus-species name, and the date when this maintenance began. However, a listing will be made only after the person has successfully maintained it for a set amount of time (6 months, 1 year, whatever). For a club like the Apisto Study Group, you might want to add a date for when this line began (and possibly the original or previous maintainer). Contact info would be appropriate. This would reward the maintainer with other people contacting him for a supply of the species. I'd add a requirement to participation that the person cannot ask over a set dollar amount per fish, the rate based on fry-juvenile-adult stages. Afterall, the intent is to keep them available to fellow hobyists. The maintainer should be able to make some money for his/her work, but the acquirers should be able to afford them. The longer someone is listed, the deeper the incentive for this person to continue--an older date is hard to acheive and can be impressive. I mean, if I have been listed for 5 years as the maintainer of some species, I would have incentive to continue as it might be hard to let this listing be dropped. Also, I would not include species which are considered commonly available. If someone is to register, they need to work with something that is not commonly seen. Such are my thoughts. I'd register something, but I'm already looking at maintaining 3 rare tetras and a "threatened" livebearer. Surely the ASG has enough members to do its share for the Apistos. - --Randy