On Wed, 13 May 1998 06:58:49 -0500 Randy or Deb Carey <carey@spacestar.net> writes: >Julio, > >I've been thinking about how to properly encourage and and reward such >an effort >for the local club. Here are my current thoughts: > >With every publication, post each species maintenance registration. >This >information would be the maintainer's name, the genus-species name, >and the date >when this maintenance began. However, a listing will be made only >after the >person has successfully maintained it for a set amount of time (6 >months, 1 year, >whatever). > >For a club like the Apisto Study Group, you might want to add a date >for when >this line began (and possibly the original or previous maintainer). >Contact info >would be appropriate. This would reward the maintainer with other >people >contacting him for a supply of the species. I'd add a requirement to >participation that the person cannot ask over a set dollar amount per >fish, the >rate based on fry-juvenile-adult stages. Afterall, the intent is to >keep them >available to fellow hobyists. The maintainer should be able to make >some money >for his/her work, but the acquirers should be able to afford them. > >The longer someone is listed, the deeper the incentive for this person >to >continue--an older date is hard to acheive and can be impressive. I >mean, if I >have been listed for 5 years as the maintainer of some species, I >would have >incentive to continue as it might be hard to let this listing be >dropped. > >Also, I would not include species which are considered commonly >available. If >someone is to register, they need to work with something that is not >commonly >seen. > >Such are my thoughts. > >I'd register something, but I'm already looking at maintaining 3 rare >tetras and >a "threatened" livebearer. Surely the ASG has enough members to do >its share for >the Apistos. > >--Randy > > > >------------------------------------------------------------------------- >Search http://altavista.digital.com for "Apistogramma Mailing List >Archives"! >