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Re: missing messages (A. tucurui)

Marco Lacerda writes:

<< our Apisto farm. Only point is that they are not raising many fry per 
> spawning, unlike other members of the A. regani-group. 
> The water we're using is pH 6.5, similar to the water found on its 
> biotope (pH 5.5-6.0); it's NOT a blackwater fish. >>

>From what I gathered from the article posted by Mike wise this fish was found
in open water that was either soft but very base, or hard but quite acidic (I
get confused easy- too much to remember).  Is it possible the original article
is describing a different fish than the one Marco is collecting and breeding
in the swampy places?  Or maybe they moved because of the dam?  Several
Victorian Lake cichlids have changed biotopes and adapted in order to avoid
the predation of the Nile Perch which was introduced there.

If they have had to find new "digs", this would explain the low fecundity, as
they are not really happy there in those particular water parameters.

Not trying to start an nasty argument, just wanting to clear this up for my
ignorant self.

Bob Dixon