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Re: small fish

> Folks.......I've had 5-6 batches of A. borellii in he last 1 1/2 that I
> chose to keep and raise..........I experienced the same thing that Eric
> did with the borellii.....SMALL babies after a year.  Folks these aren't
> in a 10 gallon.  They are in a 125 gallon and get feed 2-3 times a day
> with live bbs and live black works.  Two of the batches grew just fine
> and were quite the studs.....yellow/blue.......and one batch was the
> supposed "opal-red mask".  But I have been "under-ground "with my small
> borellii till I could be sure what is going on......Eric came out so I
> am also.  Any suggestions or comments?
Believe it or not, try adding finely ground basic flake food. I have had
growth spurts with my young apistos that did the same thing. Once I
figured out just adding basic flake to the diet, I would feed the fry
the first couple weeks with the live BBS and then started adding the
basic flakes and didn't have a problem with the growth rate. I think
that feeding them just the live BBS and worms is still lacking something
in the diet that the basic flake gives them.

This is just something I tried and had luck with it.


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