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Newbie needs help

The cloudy water indicates a bloom of beneficial bacteria to digest
ammonia and nitrite, monitor these levels carefully.   Generally an
aquarium should be cycled slowly with only a few fish (just the danios)
until this bacteria gets well established.  Watch the peat. It is
unpredictable and may crash the pH down I generally use it on the side
only, never in the aquarium, use it to filter and soften water before
adding it. Keep the pH low as any ammonia developed will be nontoxic at
a Ph below 6.0.  It sounds as if you need to read some books, that is
way to many fish in a new aquarium and I think your local fish store is
unfortunately misleading you to sell more fish.  You can use R.O on hard
water but the membrane life may be shortened.  I would seriously
recommend using one as they make life alot easier, make sure you get one
with a TFC membrane I recommend Spectrapure.  Then you can forget about
peat and use peat extracts which are far more controllable I like
MoroSan because it doesnt discolor the water.  Some rocks namely
limestone and some sandstones (calcite bound) will raise the pH.  I
think a 20 is too small for all those fish, Curviceps are agressive
feeders and will cause problems.  Nijsenni breed in ph below 5.5 and to
get good color and vitallity as well as avoid dropsy from kidney failure
must be maintained below 6.5 at a minimum.  Personnally I say don't
trust anyone buy a stack of books and avoid anything published by TFH.

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