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Re: AAAhqualog

In a message dated 10/15/98 7:03:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
apistowise@bewellnet.com writes:

> Aqualog p.28 S03430-3 is definitely not A. caetei. It has a lateral spot
>  on the
>  lateral band, so it can't be a regani-group fish. Hint: it's in the
>  steindachneri-group!

Ok Mike, I just can't find a fish that has a lateral spot so low down. You're
going to have to answer this one!!
Are there any other fish in Aqualog that are mis-id?
Incidently, I just got  a pair of A. aff. cruzi (Peru), similar to S03459-4 on
pp30 Aqualog, except that it has an orange, rounded caudal. Any Ideas??

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