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Re: AAAhqualog

Aqualog p.28 S03430-3 is definitely not A. caetei. It has a lateral spot
on the
lateral band, so it can't be a regani-group fish. Hint: it's in the

As for the A. agassizii/cf. gephyra fish, it is probably the form found
Santarem in the Lago (Lake) Jurucui and Igarapé Grandé. Although it
actually look like the typical A. gephyra, this is one of the type
locations where
3 of the type series were collected. I'm certainly not going to fault
identification! I can't honestly say this fish belongs to the same
species used
by Kullander, 'though. The color pattern on the scales is sufficiently
to wonder whether it actually is an altogether different species. For
now, I
personally call it A. cf. gephyra like Mayland & Bork. My question is
why does
this species have two different numbers?

Mike Wise

Mayalauren@aol.com wrote:

> Okay everyone...Back to work!!
> pp 28 S03430-3 2nd column 2nd down...???
> pp19 S03336-4 In B&M the same fish is listed as A.cf gephyra, on page 63
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