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Re: iniridae female

kathy@thekrib.com wrote:

> On Sun, 25 Oct 1998, Mike & Diane Wise wrote:
> > any problem. I found females of this fish to be very monogamous - or at least
> > very picky about with whom they breed. My dominant female stopped breeding
> > altogether once her mate died. She had her choice of 3 other males but ignored
> Mike,
> Did you find uaupesi to be as picky or monogamous as iniridae?
> Kathy

I've only had A. uaupesi once, back in 1983, and they were shipped in half dead. All
died within a week. I'm afraid I can't help you here, but most pertensis-group fish
reportedly tend to be monogamous to some extent.

Those of you who live in high population areas don't know how lucky you are. Here in
Denver we never see unusual dwarfs brought in because there isn't a large enough
population base to justify bringing in the minimum numbers required. I hate to think
about those of you who live in places smaller and farther from population centers
than mine. Let's face it Denver is the largest city between between the west coast
and the Mississippi (except for possibly Kansas City &, Houston) Even the big stores
here shy away from bringing in anything truly unusual unless it's a rift lake
cichlid or fancy pleco. In the past year, for example, I've seen 1 shipment of A.
nijsseni, 2 of A. cacatuoides, and 1 of mixed Rio Negro apistos. That's all, and
each shipment was found in a different store at different times of the year. I'm
sure others come in, but I just can't see me going to every store in the 1500 square
mile area that is metro Denver on the off chance of finding something interesting.
This is why I enjoy the ACA convention so much. There are always dwarf cichlid
lovers and dwarf cichlids. This is where I get most of my dwarfs.

I guess what I'm saying is that I'm flattered by your thinking I'm an expert, but
please don't rely on me for personal experiences on a lot of species. I've probably
kept only about 20 different apisto species over the past 20 years, and most didn't
come from pet stores. Most I got by trading with you my fellow apistophiles. Thanks
for your help.

Mike Wise

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