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Re: general diet and feeding frequency questions

This is just my opinion. Take it for what it's worth.

I can't count the number of times that I've had people write or call me with a
problem with a sick apisto. Many times it's a fish they have had for month that
suddenly pales out and stops eating or develops red sores on the flanks. 3 times
out of 4 they mention that they feed black worms to their fish as a live food.

Black worms are a tubificid worm and just like red tubifex worms require a septic
environment for feeding and breeding - just not quite as bad. No matter how well
you rinse them there is still the chance of introducing parasites and disease
organisms with them. Anything that would completely sterilize the worms will also
kill them. There are so many other great live foods out there that can replace
black worms. I'd recommend red African worms or baby earthworms.

Mike Wise

John Wubbolt wrote:

> I'll feed live foods in the morning and dry foods in the late afternoon or
> early evening.
> Live foods like black worms, white worms, daphnia, live brine shrimp are
> what I use when available.

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