Doug Brown <> wrote: <<<<Fat Lips My new sp. "Rotpunkt" male has really swollen lips and is starting to not eat as much. I remember hearing about this but can't seem to find any information on how to treat it. Help!>>>>>> If you are sure that the lack of appetite is related to an infection of the lips, probably clean water and a tablespoon of salt each 10 gallons will take care of it. It is not a common problem, though. Most often poor appetite is due to internal parasites. "David Shim" <David_Shim@MCKINSEY.COM> wrote : Subject: Re: Levamisol...Again (...) I'm considering dosing my planted tank. What is metronidazole's effect on the bio filter and on plants? Any plant species particularly sensitive? Also, do you know of any medication more effective at irradicating flagellate parasites? Thanks.>>>> In the great majority of cases, metronidazole is OK on the biofilter. Very rarely some people reported problems, but chances are the true cause might have been different. Metro is also perfectly OK on plants. I would treat the whole tank since other apparently healthy fishes may have already been infected. Epsom salts is reportedly effective on mild flagellate infestations. Dionigi Maladorno This message presents personal opinions which are not necessarily those of my employer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the apistogramma mailing list, For instructions on how to subscribe or unsubscribe or get help, email Search for "Apistogramma Mailing List Archives"!