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Re: Anomalochromis thomasi

Hello Jerry
I wanted to give you some of my experiences with A Thomasi.   I had a
nice trio of them for around 2 years.   Grew up a bunch of fry to adult
size and kept the best looking trio.  

Anyways I tried them in a ten gallon tank set up like you have,  Nothing
for over 3 months ( once they were spawning size)   Then I figured this
wasn't enough room as the male chased the females alot.   So into a 20
high they went with a couple of flower pots and all bare bottom like the
ten gallon tank.   No luck there for 3 months.    So into a 20 long with
gravel and a couple of flower pots.  Figured they needed more room to
establish a territory for each female, nothing happens here for months
again. Now I moved them into a well planted 20 long tank.   It had
several crypts, some hygro species, a few swords ( dwarf types) and one
large Anubius Barteri on one end of the tank.   With in 3 days of being
in there they spawned on the top side of the anubias leaf near the water
surface.   Now all the set ups were just the trio and no dither fish.
They successfully spawned and had wigglers and all then ate them once
they were free swimming.   2 weeks later they spawn again in the same
place.   Once the eggs hatched and I had wigglers, I removed the fry and
reared them seperately.   Each spawn after that came in the same
location and they proceeded to eat each batch of fry unless I removed
some to rear away from the parents.   I don't know why they chose to eat
the fry each time, but they did.   I had no problem raising the fry up
away from the parents.   I eventually gave the trio to a friend who
spawned them in a tank set up like mine and he got the same results.
Go figure out why.   Just know that my experience with Thomasi was that
they were picky spawners and terrible fry eaters.   Maybe others have
better luck, maybe they need like a 33 long or 40 breeder or even a 55
to raise their own fry in but I didn't have those larger tanks available
at the time to try it in.   Hope you have better luck then I did.   They
really are a neat little fish.   

John Wubbolt

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