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Re: electronic format

On Tue, 13 Jul 1999, James Purchase wrote:

> On the issue of the format of Electronic Images, I wonder if everybody
> _really_ knows what I'm talking about.

I think I know what your talking about, we just disagree.

The only reason you cite for setting some fairly stringent minimum
requirements on the electronic form is that you want the material to be
suitable for publication in TAG.  What does that have to do with the show?

It's only real outcome will be to discourage people who just want to
participate - to get their pictures up next to other peoples pictures so
that they can compare their aquascaping ideas.  That can be done with a
video cam and a snappy.  That can be done with a 1950's vintage polaroid
land camera with the results scanned at 96 dpi in 256 greys.  The entry
may not win, but that isn't our business, that's the entrants' business.

If that reduces the material that might print well in TAG, then so be it.
As the planning has gone to this point AGA will be the benefactor of quite
a lot of publicity generated by volunteer labor at no cost to AGA.  They
should be quite pleased with that and take what they can get as far as
printable material is concerned.

The contest is for the contestants, no for AGA.

Roger Miller