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K and L discussion

>K. Judging Guidelines

This is a toughy. I'll take a first-round stab at it [this means these are
"ideas" not what I insist on].

1. Overall impression (1-10 pts.)
2. Condition (1-10 pts.) - [appearance of water, health of living things etc.]
3. Ratios (1-10 pts.) [balance of clear space to occupied space]
4. Colour balance (1-10 pts.) [not too much red.. green... black etc.]
5. Decorations (1-10 pts.) [wood, rock, plants etc.]
6. Animals (1-5 pts) [attractiveness and appropriatness of fish]

I'm sure there are more. I see it this way. A tank can pick up good points
for very nice decorations: beautiful rocks, pieces of wood, terrific
plants... however, the overall arrangement is not very attractive so points
in ratios and overall impression would not be so high. Everyone see what
I'm getting at? Condition is tricky as how can one really tell from a
photo? Hopefully, but maybe not practically, should condition come into it?
Also animals I'm not sure about. Should they be a part of judging?

>L. Privacy

I ran this past everyone before... don't remember any comments but we
weren't directly discussing this then.

My ideas: Number of entries published for each category judged. Winner's
points published. [Don't see why winners would mind this... obviously they
would have high marks.] If we have honorable mentions they could or could
not have points published... but for all those who do not make the cut...
no points or remarks published but, if requested the contestant can obtain
them. Too much work? Would this be good? I think this could work. 

This to be published in TAG and on the Web... those who are not AGA members
or on the Web can "buy" the copy of TAG with the results in it and request
by mail their marks if they so wish. I suspect there would be few of these
mail requests for marks.

in Vancouver.. well, James, do I get points for staying on topic? <g>

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