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Re: Prizes

I am more than willing to do some work.  Unfortunately, I do not know
much about contest organization or implimentation, so someone will
have to spell out what I should do.  Given directions, I will happily
work away.

> But I wonder and worry about what happens AFTER (if....) the AGA MC approves
> this and we set to work trying to actually "do it". I have asked, time and
> time again, for the lurkers to come out of the woodwork and "say" something.
> Usually, to absolutely no avail. I find it a bit of a stretch to think that
> they are going to have a change of heart and actually DO anything once this
> gets underway. The list has a lot more tourists who are just along for the
> ride than folks actually willing to put themselves out even minimally for
> this effort.

The reason that I have been somewhat quiet on this list (I am not
really a quiet person) is that usually what I want to say has already
been said and been said better.  Because I get the digest form of the
list, sometimes there can be a delay and the whole issue has been
resolved by the time I read my email.  I like the way things are going
with the contest and I think it is a waste to send an email consisting
of "I agree".  Piping up just so that someone knows I exist isn't
necessary, so I don't do it.  When I have something to say, I will say
it.  Just thought you would like to know why some of us don't speak

> Is there interest in the group for anyone to actually get their hands dirty
> and DO something, should this proceed? There are approximately six or seven
> people here who regularly provide input and feedback. Another one or two
> have made infrequent forays into the limelight with occassional comments. I
> appreciate each and every one of you - but is that ALL of us who are
> interested in this??????

I am willing to give out flyers to local groups, store merchandise,
mail merchandise, and even help out Eric on the computer side.  I have
a CD burner and lots of computer knowledge if someone wants to tell me
what to do.  Any pictures of my aquarium are copyright free, so I
wouldn't mind those being used for a sample contest/showcase entry.  I
wouldn't mind writing up stuff for that if people judge my aquariums
worthy.  The only thing I am unwilling to do is interact with the
companies for prizes as I detest corporate B.S.  

So basically, when it comes time to do stuff, draw up a list of
"chores" and then people can sign up for what they want to do.  Right
now it is kind of murky what tasks will need to be done, so no one has
chimed up.

Jennifer Glover
Waldorf, MD
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