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Re: Web site comments


I don't know what the difference might be, but if you want to email me all
of the MS-Word documents, I do have the full professional version at work (I
think it's version 4?).  I could put this together tomorrow, send it back to
you for approval over the weekend, and finalize it based on your comments by
Monday or Tuesday.  Email the files to dave.vanderwall@hboc.com so I will
have them at work tomorrow morning.

James wrote:
"I don't have the
full professional Adobe Acrobat program, but I did buy a copy of Acrobat
Writer from Adobe a few years ago. It integrates into MS Word and allows me
to prepare .pdf files from any Word document - the full Acrobat program
allows you to turn practically any file format into a .pdf file.

As I have all of the files right here and they are already in MS Word format
on my machine, it would be a piece of cake for me to put the Guidelines,
Entry Form, etc. into .pdf format and make it available for downloading by
clubs or potential entrants."

Dave VanderWall
Minneapolis, MN, USA

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