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Re: unusual behavior

Thomas Wilkinson wrote:
> Gary
> I think these "piacoa" apistos are Pertensis group fish.  From pictures I
> sent to Mike Wise he thought they resembled A. sp. "Rio Maniopure" probably
> related to A. " 4 stripe".  I caught them near Piacoa, Venezuela near the
> Orinoco Delta.  I do not think thse fish have been described before.
> Tom

Just to float a balloon - I think the pertensis type, slender-bodied
apistos may be the least popular group. I see all sorts coming in to the
local importer's, usually as mixers, but unlike mixers from other
groups, they stay there. I'm as guilty of shying away from them as
anyone, due to the questions of: 
a) water requirements
b) colour...
Tom's comments have me thinking -for those who do keep fish from this
group, are there other behavioral diffferences between them and the
regani and other groups that surround them. It may be an empty question,
but with the experience on this list, it might be neat to see if a lot
of dangling threads can be pulled together to give us all a look at a
sometimes unappreciated group of Apistogramma.

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