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Re: unscientific observation

Gary & Kathy,

A. nijsseni and A. hippolytae are about as distantly related as any two apisto
species can get.
A. nijsseni is an advanced species with reduced cephalic pores. It appears to be
part of the pertensis lineage (pertensis/iniridae-, gibbiceps/brevis-,
agassizii/candidi-, trifasciata-, and cacatuoides/nijsseni-groups). A. hippolytae
is from the most primitive lineage, the steindachneri-lineage (steindachneri/Rio
Preto do Candeias-group). These species have more in common with the closely
related genus Gymnogeophagus than do other apistos. They have a full set of
cephalic pores, narrow lateral band, humeral (flank) patch, and scales with light
central areas. We are just looking at "evolutionary convergence" like dolphins,
sharks, and ichthyosaurs.

Mike Wise

Kathy Olson wrote:

> Gary,
> Mike does an awesome job with evolutionary possibilities and apisto's.
> I don't think these guys are along the same drainage systems, but would
> have to pull out Mike's info to decide (since we have the source though,
> it is better from him than I).  The hippolytae spot is higher on the
> lateral line, not the same family group, but I would love to see them side
> to side like you are.
> On Sun, 30 Jan 2000, Frauley/Elson wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> > I have a male Apisto hippolytae in one tank, beside a pair of njisseni
> > in the next. The superficial resemblance between the male hippo and the
> > female njisseni is quite striking. I know it is meaningless - it's just
> > another 'fascinating evolutionary trivia' fact, but it is quite
> > something to see.
> > Trivially yours,
> > Gary
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