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Re: tank ideas

Sigh, if only it were true. I'd never have to buy another fish again.
Unfortunately in the real world most fish look on any egg as a high nutrition
item and most tetras actively seek out these delicacies. The same goes for fry.
In my opinion cichlids and other fish that provide parental care are the lazy
breeder's (like me) friend. A community tank is for show not breeding. Look on
any fry that survive as a rare bonus.

Mike Wise

"Stepanova, Lilia" wrote:

> In a community tank, there will be someone willing to snack on caviar.
> In
> this tank, you will have to accept that spawning the fish is a
> secondary, or
> even tertiary concern.  The black neons will get along okay with the
> hatchets.
> Bob Dixon
> I dunno... My vision is that they will breed. Even if I will have to take
> tetras eggs away. It will be a sparsely populated tank to start from to give
> them all space to copy themselves. I hate fish just hanging around without
> babies, it feels like it is my fault; from another hand fish probably feel
> guilty too, and would spawn just ot make me happy. So, it will be a huge
> spawning place... a pretty one, too...
> Lilia
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