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Kribs and BAP

On Tue, 17 Feb 1998, William Vannerson wrote:

> The point I was trying to make was that many members may no longer
> keep the old standards, such as Kribs, because they've "been there. 
> Done that."  And, after all, even the mose enthusiastic cichli-diot can
> maintain only so many tanks.  So it's out with the old and in with the new.

You know what's really cool, though... for every experienced breeder who's
decided that Kribs are too easy (and that keeping five tanks of Krib fry
of varying sizes which the stores MIGHT give $1 per fish if the sex ratio
is balanced... at least here in Seattle)... for every experienced breeder
getting out of Kribs, there are three enthusiastic new aquarists who are
getting into it.  My sister-in-law called a few weeks ago, just floored
that their pair bred.  One of my co-workers is producing grand-kids off my
original pair.  So's one of my friends in the club.  If you scan down the
national BAP species stats, you'll always see a big spike under P. pulcher
(two report, three reports, one report, 87 reports, one report....).

As for me, I'm still sentimental about my 4 1/2 year-old Krib, the first
fish that bred for me, and he has his own 45 gallon planted tank at work.

  - Erik

- ---
Erik Olson				
eriko at wrq.com