My Buckelkopf are currently in the process of spawning...hurray! anyhow they match your description of you fish quite well. I read in the Linke and Staeke book that the marking behind the eye on these fish is unique to Buckelkopfs (at least at the time to book was written) so you may very well have these lovely fish. Mine have ALOT of bright blue irridescent spots one their bodies -- both male and female. I know this because I thought my pair were both males until they produced their first spawn =). mine don't really look identical to the linke and staeke pic. The Female ??? does show the red coloring like the picture when spawning but the general background color is yellow although I would call it more yellowish brown. As to sexing these guys I have no idea. the 'male' in the above pair is developing a 'buckelkopf' (bulge on head) but acts more like what I would call a female (spends more time with eggs) and my female looks most like the pic. anyhow all I really know is that I think that they are interesting pretty fish. Since everyone else I have that spawns is a cave brooder it's nice to have some open brooders to watch. I also have a pair of atahualpa which have not given me any problems and are very attractive little fish. I haven't gotten them to spawn though... anyone elso who has I'd love to know how. ( thanks David) for the record my A. mamore spawned a few days ago on the side of a rock were the beard algae had formed an artificial 'cave'. They are wrigglers now and the mom is terrific. I think that mamore are great fish, one of my favorites I would recomend them to anyone. I was very excited when I found the eggs. she's been yellow on many occations before but I couldn't ever find any babies. Just in case anyone wonders all three of the above species are in a densely planted 75 gal tank, yeast CO2, peat filtration, tap water, Gh and Kh below 3 (tetra test) this equals ppm ~ 80-100 ?, pH 5.5 ( it gets up to as high as 6.5 depending on how religious I am about the peat and CO2). Sorry to babble on so, I'm happy to pass on any observations on the fish that I have made, Tarah ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the apistogramma mailing list, For instructions on how to subscribe or unsubscribe or get help, email Search for "Apistogramma Mailing List Archives"!