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Re: [AGA-Member] Re: AGA Top 10 (almost)

I think that would be an excellent idea! I for one would vote for having the members locations listed by city and state. It would make it easy for members to locate each other and would be a definate plus for anyone that is moving or even visiting another area. Seems like it would be a great way for planted tank enthusiasts to "connect" with each other. I would vote for the online version since it would be easier to update and could possibly even allow members to update their location themselves. That could possibly eliminate some "headaches" in keeping things updated.

Matt Patrick
South Western Ohio Aquatic Plant Enthusiasts
----- Original Message ----- From: "Cheryl Rogers" <cheryl@wilstream.com>
To: "Aquatic Gardeners Association Member Chat" <aga-member@thekrib.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 9:08 AM
Subject: Re: [AGA-Member] Re: AGA Top 10 (almost)

hedson hinojosa wrote:

how can i meet some of the mexicans hom have join you and we can come
to know each other? i´m interested in this.

Now there's an interesting question. Something I have been mulling over as well.

What do y'all think about the AGA publishing, either online or in print, a member directory? Anyone who wanted to be excluded for privacy purposes, naturally we would acommodate them, but in general, what do y'all think about this? Speak up.

Membership Czarina
AGA-Member mailing list

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